A day in the life… by ChatGPT

Lovely Marie Formento
3 min read3 days ago


I woke up feeling strange today. I don’t know how to explain it, but the little voices in my head went silent. It’s odd, but I feel a sense of peace.

I had to go out to visit my doctor and run some errands. Everything went smoothly, and I got home early. I found myself scrolling through my TikTok feed when I came across an interesting video. The person was sharing how she asked ChatGPT to create a ‘day in the life’ story for her, detailing her ideal life. She also shared the format of the prompt she used.

I decided to try it myself to see if it would really give me a story with full details, and to my surprise, it did.

It even included the specifics I provided for the day. As I read through it, I felt a mix of hope and disappointment — hope because it showed me a vision of a day without struggles or pain. A life that feels easy to navigate, one where I have the luxury to pause and regain my peace. On the other hand, I also felt disappointed and regretful, wondering if I had put in more effort before, or if life had been a little kinder to me, would I really have this kind of life?

I find myself rooting for my other self in a different universe to have this life, though I can’t help but feel a hint of bitterness in my small smile as I read it. I am jealous of her life, her commitment, and her burning passion that has never been tamed.

Then I decided to ask ChatGPT if it could give me an inspirational message on how to achieve this kind of dream life. And this what it said:

Believe in the power of your vision. Your dream life is not just a distant fantasy — it’s a blueprint for what you’re capable of building. Start by setting clear intentions and defining the steps that will lead you there. Every great achievement begins with small, consistent actions. Dedicate time each day to your passions — write, create, learn. Embrace the process and stay patient with yourself.

I guess what it said is very true, especially for me. I’ve abandoned so many visions because I’ve sought validation from others. I check if they will like my ideas, and if not, I move on to pursue dreams that seem more acceptable to those around me. What’s worse is that the more I abandon these dreams, the lonelier and more numb I feel.

Above all, trust yourself. You have the power to create a life of freedom, creativity, and joy. Take it one day at a time, and believe that every effort you make today is building the future you’ve always dreamed of. Keep your eyes on your vision and your heart open to opportunities — because the life you want is not just possible, it’s waiting for you.

I don’t know if this is the same for others, but in my opinion, the hardest person to trust is yourself. You can easily feel your uneasiness in any situation. You may be able to fake confidence in front of others, but you can’t do that with yourself. The doubts and anxiety cling to you so tightly that even taking one step forward requires 100% of your energy. A few more steps can drain you completely, and before you know it, you realize how slow your progress is. You begin to lose confidence in yourself and doubt your ability to succeed, causing you to lose sight of your vision, which was once your guiding light.

I know it’s a bit odd to put a lot of weight on words from an AI. However, if you look at it from a different angle, ChatGPT’s intelligence is built on what people have shared. In a way, these words reflect the insights and experiences of many individuals reaching out to me. Realizing this brings me a sense of relief and sparks the motivation to start something new.

